word salad.

Monday, Monday.
August 3, 2009, 9:46 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized | Tags: , , , , , ,


I was anticipating this picture would look far more dramatic than it actually turned out. Perhaps if you could see the copious amounts of loose papers, flyer’s, pamphlets, and business cards wedged in the bag and pages of every catalogue; you would then understand the point I’m trying to make. The equation is quite simple: Outdoor Retailer’s Conference + AirVenture – The Time To Properly Organize/Follow-Up Between The Two = My desk looking as though a full on tornado has blown through it. While at this point in the day I’ve managed to get a hold over the mess I also had a folder full of e-mails, google alerts, and a majorly clogged RSS feed to deal with. Needless to say, Monday has been an organization overhaul as I’ve attempting to prep myself for what’s ahead. Besides the immense amount of looming follow-up, we’ve also got some demos lined up  this week.

OshKosh, WI was quite the adventure. It was a particularly interesting experience for someone like myself, whose airplane knowledge basically ends at knowing they fly in the air. While there were War Birds, helicopters doing seemingly impossible aerial feats, and amazing air shows at the end of each day; two attractions peaked my attention more than the others.

The first was the world’s largest commercial jet: The Airbus A380. I really can’t express how massive this thing was. It can hold over 500 people! There was also a flight demonstration where I watched in something between amazment and horror, waiting for the giant careening aircraft to fall down from the sky (of course, it never did).
ht_virgin_galactic2_080123_ms The other “not to be missed” attraction for me was seeing the “Virgin Galatic.” Even the name was cool. I will try my best to cohertly explain this vessel, and by that I mean I will heavily rely on the wikipedia entry about it. Basically it is a small plane (it can hold six people) that can go “above and beyond” normal aircrafts. It can overlap the Earth’s atomsphere at about 70,000 feet and can make a sub-orbital journey with a short period of weightlessness in which passengers would be able to float around the cabin.

That’s a plane that demands respect! Now even YOU could go into space. Which Nsync member was supposed to go into space…Lance Bass? They should give him a one way ticket.

In related news, this is exciting:


It may not be the most astounding or staggering set of statistics in the world, but it puts a big smile on my face.

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